In addition to screening at Aesthetica Film Festival, Allison also participated on a panel discussing Animation, as part of their Filmmaker Insight Panels. The panel, involving four other filmmakers, was live at the festival on Wednesday 4th November, 12.30pm.

The panel was titled: Animated Dreams; Challenging Perspectives and was hosted by Richard Jacobs. It was a wonderful event and great to be involved!


Allison Brownmoore

Allison Brownmoore speaking on Animation Panel, Aesthetica Film Festival


The Aesthetica Short Film Festival is a BAFTA-Qualifying international film festival based in York, UK.

ASFF is an important outlet for moving image and digital culture, creating a platform to champion film from across the globe. It accepts short, feature, VR and immersive works from filmmakers based anywhere in the world, celebrating innovation in independent cinema. The festival holds talent development at its core and leaves a lasting legacy by supporting practitioners at all stages of their careers.

In addition to film screenings, ASFF hosts over 100 industry events, including masterclasses, panel discussions, networking events and pitching sessions with renowned distributors such as Film 4, BBC, Scottish Documentary Institute and Guardian. The festival provides an essential hub, offering a meeting place that encourages collaboration, learning and development.